ICMD What’s On
Obtaining this scholarship required a lot of work and personal self-sacrifice, but nothing would have been possible on my own. I met Pia in Mumbai. She could see me in a ballet class;we had a talk and after knowing my financial situation and my desire to dance she offered me a full scholarship. Training with ICMD really changed my life, it was a game-changer and I had some unforgettable moments. ICMD helped me to grow as a dancer of course, but also as a human being by teaching me how to become a more independent, more mature, more responsible person. Pia has been a great teacher since I met her. She helped me to live in Mumbai, in a big city that I didn’t know, she helped me to put me on the road to success, she helped me to find schools, to record videos for auditions. Without her, I wouldn’t be where I am today. Thanks to Pia, I was able to get scholarships from many ballet schools in the United States.